

Packative is a startup that creates packages such as paper, cardboard boxes, and shopping bags. Using the 3D editor developed by Packative, you can easily create packages of desired sizes and designs. Packative was born to change the outdated culture and mass production-oriented traditional packaging industry.

Packative is currently a growing software development company that aims to expand its team and attract new talent. Together with Packative, which has entered the Pre-A stage after SEED, let's create advancement in the packaging market! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Our Vision ✨

Packative's goal is to make it easier and faster for individuals, from small business owners to large corporations, to create custom packages regardless of the scale of their business. Packative's vision is to help all individuals, including candle makers and solo entrepreneurs selling homemade macarons, create custom packages at reasonable prices.

Sustainability 🌳

Excessive packaging and the excessive use of plastic have a detrimental impact on the environment. That's why Packative does not use vinyl and plastic. It uses eco-friendly materials and produces optimized quantities to address environmental issues.

Our values🌟

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Self Motivation

We actively seek to improve ourselves, processes and bring in ideas to make things better.

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Positive Influence

Our team always tries to positively influences each other, for bigger achievements.



We carry out our tasks in an organized and systematic manner, the most professional ways.

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Attention to Detail

We believe in that small details and being meticulous leads to a giant difference.


Integrity & Honesty

We treat each other with honesty, in the way we want to be treated, and are always open to constructive feedbacks.

Pack your ability up with Packative !

Global Team 🇦🇹 🇰🇷 🇫🇷 🇨🇳

We have a diverse team with a CEO from Austria, who has been settled in Korea for 10 years, along with members who possess various global experiences.

We work together joyfully and also have the opportunity to enhance our global capabilities!

Agility 🙋🏻‍♀️

As early members of a growing organization, you can experience rapid growth together.